Bag industry development trend

As an indispensable item in life, with the development of The Times and the improvement of people’s living and consumption level, bags have not only stayed in the practical requirements, but also have increasingly high requirements for functional accessories. Versatility of design, fashion of appearance and popularity are the development direction of suitcases and bags. The materials and accessories of cases and bags have developed from traditional leather to PU, PVC, plastic, textile and metal. This also determines the long industrial chain and wide coverage of the bag industry, involving leather, textile, steel, plastic, hardware and other industries. The bag industry itself involves 1.5 million employees, and more people are involved in the industry.

The foreign trade situation of Chinese bag industry

As the world’s largest production and export country of bag, the supply of bag accounted for more than 25% of the global total, and the export value of bag accounted for 33% of the global total. The annual output of bags also accounts for more than 50% of the global total. According to customs statistics, the total value of imports and exports of suitcases and bags in December 2009 was 13.362 billion yuan, down 7.75% compared with the same period of the previous year. Among them, the export value was USD 12.793 billion, accounting for 95.74% of the total import and export, down 8.23% compared with the same period of the previous year, and the export quantity was 4.618 billion, down 45.25% compared with the same period of the previous year.

With the continuous improvement of people’s living and consumption level, all kinds of bags have become indispensable ornaments around people. People ASKS CASE AND BAG PRODUCT TO BE STRENGTHENED SOMEWHAT ON PRACTICABILITY NOT ONLY, ADORNMENT SEX ALSO SHOULD EXPAND SOMEWHAT. China’s economic level and per capita income are getting higher and higher, which is closely related to the consumption power will also get bigger and bigger. China’s bag consumption is increasing by 33% every year, and the total market is increasing rapidly. Bag is becoming one of the most potential industries after clothing and shoes. Domestic bag market demand growth will accelerate, the market prospect is broad.

Post time: Aug-09-2022